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Symphonic Orchestra

This ensemble follows after Beginner Orchestra, and is the first opportunity for a full string orchestra experience.

Symphonic Orchestra

Students in Symphonic Orchestra have completed Beginner Orchestra or the equivalent of one year of experience on violin, viola, cello or bass. This is the first ensemble that combines all of the instruments into a full string orchestra. This ensemble performs in four concerts, including at Peak Music Festival. The ensemble may also participate in UIL Concert & Sightreading. Individual students have the option of auditioning for All-Region orchestra, and performing at Solo & Ensemble. In addition, students will have opportunities for socials, parties, and field trips.

Orchestra Fee: $75
Learn more about the orchestra fee HERE.

Concert Attire
Option 1: Formal black dress, knee-high black stockings or socks, black closed-toe formal shoes
Option 2: Formal tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, cummerbund, black dress pants, tall black socks, black closed-toe formal shoes

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